Friday, August 30, 2013


It was a time for another project of a whimsical nature, not good for anything except maybe amusement. After considerable thought a scatter gather machine was chosen. In a way it sort of reflects my own personality. It has gears and a crank, things that I really like, and besides that it is quite "eccentric".

     As is normal for scratch built ideas it required some pattern work, castings, and machining.

           Here is a video of it in action. It cycles every 4 turns of the crank.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As always, we enjoyed your new project. Dale had a cerebral hemorrhage/stroke in April but is recovering very well. Physically, he is back 100%. Memory and language skills are coming back more slowly but he can beat me at Scrabble if he uses the dictionary and I don't. In the last four months, he has completed the restoration of a 1948 Farmall Cub tractor and puts in a full workday every day starting at 6:00 a.m. I'm having a hard time keeping up with him. Hope you two are doing okay. The Scatter Gather machine is a beaut!
Joyce Kohler